“Running the Flutie 5k for Autism in partnership with You’re With Us! is now firmly rooted in our preseason tradition for Suffolk Men’s Basketball.” ——Head Coach Jeff Juron
Running, walking, and rolling in Natick is one of the most refreshing ways to enjoy the fall in New England. People who attended the annual Flutie 5k on October 29th would agree. While celebrating the Flutie Foundation’s 25-year dedication to the autistic community, the Suffolk Men’s Basketball team had a meaningful time building their team traditions.
The Preseason Tradition:
“2022 was our team’s first Flutie 5K and the start of a new preseason tradition,” Keenan Robertson, junior forward on the team, shared. 2023 was the Suffolk team’s second year partnering with You’re With Us! at the Flutie 5K.
“It's a great experience being able to give recognition to people who deserve it. It means a lot because people affected by autism deserve the right to feel important and the Flutie Foundation gives them that on this special day,” Keenan said.
Head Coach Jeff Juron commented that establishing this new transition at the event is not only a great team-building environment, but also allows the team to use its platform as a college basketball program to support families affected by autism and provides an educational opportunity for the team.
Suffolk Men’s Basketball Team walking at the Flutie 5K, 2023
Sophomore point guard Connor Strickland also valued the time supporting the autism community, saying, “I plan on continuing to educate myself on autism. Everyone deserves to be included and being there for this large, diverse group of individuals affected by autism helps show that we are with them and that support is always there.”
The gold fallen leaves resting on the running path were soon invigorated by the lyrics performed by the Stars of the Spectrum. The air was filled with the energy of people running and greeting each other.
Enjoying his second year running for YWU at the Flutie 5K, junior guard Liam Cunnie lit up when talking about Brian Villani, the 28-year-old YWU participant from Cambridge who is now part of the Suffolk program.
Brian’s Corner:
“Brian just wanted to be part of a basketball team, so as an assistant coach at Suffolk it’s been a naturally, seamless transition,” Joe Sharkey said.
Brian has been a part of You’re With Us! for a few years, but this was his first opportunity to be part of a team. In addition to being Director of Development and Community Engagement at YWU, Joe is entering his 5th season as an assistant coach at Suffolk. Integrating Brian with the team has been one of the most special experiences of Joe’s professional career.
Brian and the Suffolk program players quickly bonded over their shared passion for basketball and competing to win. There is a chair where Brian sits in the corner of the gym across from the team’s bench, anointed “Brian’s Corner” by all in the athletic department.
Brian Villani with the Suffolk Basketball players in the team room after a win over Emerson College in November
“We love having Brian with us,” Strickland said, expressing his gratitude for the experience.
It has become a tradition that before every game, the team comes to Brian's Corner for fist bumps and brief talks. In return, Brian greets everyone, cheers during the game, and holds post-game recaps, giving his thoughts and advice on how the game went. With Brian, it always comes back to the idea of ‘playing with, and for each other’.
“Brian inspires everyone at Suffolk to be their best, and settles for no less” -- Joe smiled when mentioning how the team loved to hear Brian’s post-game talks.
Two months into the season, the players have started a whole new journey to learn and practice how sports have the power to create opportunities for ALL.
“We look forward to supporting Brian as he does us," Liam Cunnie said.
Participants and partners of You’re With Us! never cease to inspire and impact the people around them.
The players look forward to returning to next year’s Flutie 5K. As the season heats up this year, Brian's ties to the Suffolk Men's Basketball Team continue to strengthen.
YWU looks forward to helping more partners establish such traditions so that more young adults can find groups and have the power to create a world where everyone belongs!