Membership Application

This Membership Application packet includes all the forms and questionnaires required to be part if You’re With Us!, which are as follows:
Membership Application – all support individuals for YWU must submit an updated membership application (MA) form each year to participate in You’re With Us!
Consent Form – all group members, including coaches and mentors must submit a consent form each year to participate in You’re With Us!
These forms are the property of and used solely by You’re With Us!. All application information that is submitted will remain strictly confidential. Accepted applications entitle you to the full rights and protection of You’re With Us! and the full benefits of all members of the organization. This application must be completed in order to participate in You’re With Us!.
Before continuing with your application, please note the following:
All the information you provide on this application will be entered into the You’re With Us! member database. Your data will be stored on a secure server; only authorized users will have access to this information. You’re With Us! never shares member information with anyone else. To view our full privacy policy, please visit: